What does it mean to be a cowgirl?

Or better yet, a Barrel Racer.

Here are my top 5 ways to make it.

Always always have a smile on your face. A good attitude will get you so much further in your journey than the fast horses.

Your horses should be your top priority. They give it their all, no questions asked. Love them, groom them, rest them, and for heavens sake, please have your pictures taken with them. They deserve a spot on your wall.

Be the person who helps the underdogs. Even the ones that are killing the game, lend a helping hand. Just because you are winning or they are winning doesn't give any us an excuse for bad Sportsmanship. Be the bigger person always. A smile will go a long way.

Practice like you are freaking Hailey K and Sister. Put in the work. People don't see the hard work you put in behind the scenes. All they see are the 16 seconds of speed. it may not always be a great money winning run, but as long as you are training and putting in that time to make a champion, then you know you are doing your part. Know that you are doing everything you can to be the best you can.

Last but certainly not least. Find you a community of barrel racers that are at the Jackpots for the same reason you are. Find one that makes you feel welcome. Exspecially if you are a beginner. Small community jackpots are perfect for that. TB Quarters horses is the perfect place. I have never seen so many helpful and happy and non stuck up Barrel Racers in all my travels with my daughter. Tim and Woody have done an excellant job at building this community. I have never seen a problem there and I am quit confident that we never will. So if you are looking to start the sport and just don't know where to go. Always think small. I can guarantee the out come will be as big as those dreams you see.

What does it mean to be a cowgirl?

Or better yet, a Barrel Racer.

Here are my top 5 ways to make it.

Always always have a smile on your face. A good attitude will get you so much further in your journey than the fast horses.

Your horses should be your top priority. They give it their all, no questions asked. Love them, groom them, rest them, and for heavens sake, please have your pictures taken with them. They deserve a spot on your wall.

Be the person who helps the underdogs. Even the ones that are killing the game, lend a helping hand. Just because you are winning or they are winning doesn't give any us an excuse for bad Sportsmanship. Be the bigger person always. A smile will go a long way.

Practice like you are freaking Hailey K and Sister. Put in the work. People don't see the hard work you put in behind the scenes. All they see are the 16 seconds of speed. it may not always be a great money winning run, but as long as you are training and putting in that time to make a champion, then you know you are doing your part. Know that you are doing everything you can to be the best you can.

Last but certainly not least. Find you a community of barrel racers that are at the Jackpots for the same reason you are. Find one that makes you feel welcome. Exspecially if you are a beginner. Small community jackpots are perfect for that. TB Quarters horses is the perfect place. I have never seen so many helpful and happy and non stuck up Barrel Racers in all my travels with my daughter. Tim and Woody have done an excellant job at building this community. I have never seen a problem there and I am quit confident that we never will. So if you are looking to start the sport and just don't know where to go. Always think small. I can guarantee the out come will be as big as those dreams you see.

Going around the barrels are as fast as 1 2 3. It takes practice, timing, and plenty of guts. Its definitely not for the faint of heart.

I have always rode horses. I have also had big dreams of being a barrel racer. When my daughter started rodeoing, that dream changed. I am not a barrel racer. I am a Proud Rodeo Mom who loves to see her daughter do what comes natural too her. I am also the one who is able to document this wonderful time for her. We are what I call a dream team. I am the one who helps ride and train, I am the behind the scenes Gal. My competive days are over. This is where I thrive, and I am super content in watching my Girls, yes I have a ton of them, thrive out there in that arena. I am their biggest cheerleader and their favorite Photographer!

I look forward to seeing all the crazy faces real soon. I am longing to get out and take your pictures as I know you all are reading to get out and start wining some money!

Quarantine Be Gone

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