and scene.......

This is totally what the barrel race looked like that day. No not boring, but just laid back and relaxed. No drama. No mishaps, and if there were, they done a very good job at hiding it. Everyone just knows what they are there for. Someone else. Something bigger than they are. I mean I am not saying that people are not there to do their best and win some money. But the moral is totally different. (Even when the photographers horse was being a weenie). I mean it says a lot about a person. To me that is.

Heart as big as a horse

Have you ever had the privilege to meet a horse with so much heart that it will bring you to tears? What about meeting someone with that same heart? That's how I feel about Rebecca! From the first day I met this chick, I knew she was special. And this right here proves it. She didn't grow up in the barrel racers world until, like me, her daughter got involved. So to even begin to try and put on a barrel race is so far out of her comfort zone. But guess what, back to the heart thing. When you believe in something so much it hurts, you will do something that hurts that much more just to be a part of it. It blood, sweat, lots and lots of sweat, and tears. Mostly good tears. It's not an easy job for anyone. And for someone just learning the ins and outs of it. WOW. When passion meets determination. This is Rebecca's second year doing The Benefit Barrel race for The Butterfly House. Now she didn't do it alone, and I can't even begin to name all of the names. The people and the spocers. It would not have been successful if it hadn't been for those who have a passion (big heart) for others.

So thank all of you from Rebecca and her crew.

Best friends and Competitors

Sorry Laylla, my beautiful ray of sunshine. I had to post this picture. Those that know her will totally understand why!!

Wanna be moved to tears?

I dare you to come to one of these shows where this gal right her sings the National Anthem. Man oh Man.

Not only does she sing, she has kids that run as well as she volunteers. Talk about a beautiful soul.



I really hate that I did not get any pictures of the face of the founder of this beautiful organization. But her name is Amy Yow. She is an RN and a BSN. Which led her to starting the BFH. As an RN she was right in the middle and she seen that there was a desperate need for children to have advocates. It is something that we as individuals do not see and would not ever see unless in that situation. So following her heart and her calling, the children are the priority.

If you would like to hear a little more on this, I have a your tube I will link for you. But be aware, this is real life and I am not a professional at videoing. Just pictures.

Also, if you would like to be a part of this great cause, I will add the address as well.

923 N 2nd St #101, Albemarle, NC 28001

Thank You Sponsors

Culp Lumber Company

Tack Traders

Joey Michael Ashley

H&K Auto Body

Jessie Parsons Massage and bodywork

CBC Business Services

Bethlehem Plumbing

Flashbacks Photography