In times like these, its important to find the things or moments in your life that bring you Joy.

I know that I do have it somewhat easier than some. I have older children, ones that are way more self sufficient. I don't really have the struggle of finding internet that works or have to really sit at a table half the day to do school work. We are blessed enough that we were able to keep one business open during this time. But, that doesn't mean that I don't worry or that I do not have stress. That is one of the things that I inherited from my wonderful Mom, the ability to worry about everyone and everything. I mean guys, its just what I do. I feel deeply for those around me. When they hurt, it transfers to me. Its like I am connected in some weird way. So I have to work really hard on how to balance my well being and being the person I really want to be. So Find your Joy.



Sometimes to be able to see things differently, you have to look at them differently. Instead of always focusing on one way, know that there are other ways of getting through. We are not made to be the same, or think the same, so why should we act the same when finding our way. Change your perspective, maybe you can change your mind.


Sometimes to be able to see things differently, you have to look at them differently. Instead of always focusing on one way, know that there are other ways of getting through. We are not made to be the same, or think the same, so why should we act the same when finding our way. Change your perspective, maybe you can change your mind.


Finding simple things to do during your day will also help distract you for the crashing world around you. Even if its just for a moment. Sometimes that all it takes. For example, watching your daughter doing what she loves. We share the same passions, but its totally different when you get to see her blossom. Just sitting back and taking it all in. For that moment in time, all is right with the world. So find one simple thing to do daily. I am blessed enough that this is our daily. So I don't have to search far to find a simple moment.


If being curious and learning new things helps you, by all means go figure it out! Those things change your way of thinking. If you can change your way of thinking, you can change your mood.

Queen B

If hopping up on a hale bale in the middle of the barn and acting like you own the world is how you change your mood, by all means do it. Sometimes faking it, helps your confidence! Go be Queen of your Mood.

Napping in the Sun

This one just may be my favorite! I would find me a nice hammock in the sun and crawl in and take a beat. Sometimes you need to quiet your body to be able to quiet your mind. Girl take that afternoon nap and move on with your life!

Last but surely not least...

I am not a therapist. I couldn't tell what that poor lady would say if I ever choose to go speak to one, but this is what helps me. The more I can move and do what I love the better I feel. Sitting still on your emotions or your anxiety will NEVER help you. Find friends that will talk to you with no judgement. Listen to Podcast, find some music and blast your ear drums, go for a run, write a book, hell start a blog. Just find something.

Never be scared to ask someone to just listen.