As much as I like writing blogs, I don't much like reading them.

Weird, right. Well maybe to some. But every now and again I will find one that sticks out to me. And it could be one word or even just a small picture that reals me in. Most blogs I look at are by other Photographers. Surprised? LOL Other ones are anything health and fitness or Equine Massage. Im kinda a nerd in my old age.

Anyways; the other day I was scrolling the ol Facebook. Another surprise right. I cam across a Photographer I have been following for a while now, because another Photographer friend shared his name with me. ( all that had a point, you just have to read between the lines.) His name is CDPhotog on insta. And boy did his last blog resonate with me. Some of his quotes were;

"I didn't have any direction in my work."

"My images were laughed at."

" I was feeling like an outsider."

Like really Chris, you were speaking to me. I have felt all of these things the last 3ish years. But had no idea out to get the words out or the feelings out to share why my photos just seemed off. Then I read this one......

"Fill your memory card and your heart."

I didn't it know it at the time, but I was feeling my heart. When I went to that first Ranch Rodeo and then I went and snapped all those Fun shows with all those little kids, my heart was swelling. Again, I had no idea this is where that feeling was coming from until I read it in such beautiful words. ( I will share the link so y'all can check out his beautiful work.)

I really thought that when I started taking pictures that I needed to keep up with the Jones. That doesn't work my friend. You cant keep doing what everyone else does, because then they would not be fun. I wanted my photos to be more than just photos. I want them to be memories. I want them to be art. I want them printed and hung on your walls. I cannot give you that if I am not shooting with passion.

There are so many photographers out there that are happy sticking with the norm. Same poses, same place, same look. That is not who I am. And I love those Photographers. They are my friends. But that is what fills their heart. And that is awesome.


So when you see photos like the one above, just know there was a reason behind it. There was a slight thought going on in this pea brain of mine. I cannot give you any kind of reason or the whats and hows. It is something that I just see. But I know that I want it to be something that you print and showcase on your walls. Or your barn. Or in your business. I want it to tell a story. It can be any story. It is your imagination. This is what I want from my photos.

Do not look at it and point out the imperfections. Instead, let those imperfections carry you to the story.