I honestly never really thought I had a "style". But looking through all my photos lately, I am starting to see it. It's totally ME!!! Let me explain.

As you know, I have ADD. I have written about it in some of my other blogs. My brain is constantly seeing things differently. One day I may like this, the other I may like that. But here is the good thing about this, it doesn't just see one thing. What does that mean, Mindy? It means, that I see you. My editing style is what I see in you.


The sweetness of this photo to me screams black and white. I feel like if I would have left it in color, the sweetness of the moment would no longer be there. Looking for the feeling is what makes the photo. It's what capturing the memory is about.


This is a paragraph. Click edit and enter your own text. You can make changes like making the text bold, underline or italic. This is a great place for you to tell your clients more about your story and to describe the type of photographer you are. You can come back at any time to make more changes.


For most photographers an even the people looking at the photos, the graininess would make them just skip right on to the next photo. For me, not always but mostly, it makes me stop and look and think. How was the conditions of this event? What was the thoughts going though the contestants mind? Do they have a strategy? If it is tough for me, I know it is tough for them. But yet, there they are, determined to catch that calf. It tells the story of the night.


Actually this looks like it should be the next ad for the Marlboro Man. But here he is. Looking at his target. Straight ahead at the task before him and his team. Rope ready. Again. Not that sharp of a photo. But it is art. It is a story. It is action paused. Trying to edit any of that out would be so sad. It would loose so much emotion. I want to strive to keep it all in the actual photo. At least as much as possible. Real life, not an instagram reel.


Calm before the storm as they say. Opening ceremonies. Respect. This I added a filter to. Imagine what it would like like as a bright and airy photo. Do you think you would still feel what he is feeling? This is what I was saying when the ADD comes in handy. It helps me to see things differently. Instead of having just a uniform feed. It is a feeling.


Barrel racing is a little different, especially jackpots. These guys are all about the timing. They want to show the horses athleticism. So I know this going in. I know to aim for the money shot and correct exposure. I do not always get it and I still look for some of those creative shots. Because really, who wouldn't want to have a bad ass photo of their horses muscled up booty!! But again, it is a timing thing.

So you see, it is not just a style, but a vision. And my ADD is not longer a limitation, but an inspiration.