Faith Moves Mountains

Its a pretty strong title, don't ya think? If you have it, anything is possible. That's why my Sister chose this to be the name of her new Non-Profit.

Ya see, she is a three year breast cancer SURVIVOR. Luckily she had the resources and insurance and a very understanding job that got her through it. She was able to get her screenings on time every year, which in turn helped her catch this devil early. Some Women just do not have that kind of support. Which led to her wanting to do more. Do more for the Women in our Community. So it was brought to life.

The first event was a 5K, and though it wasn't a huge one, it was a successful one. Just like with anything, there is always Hiccups, but ours was very small. Just like when you are starting something new, it takes a while for people to understand who and what you are about. This is an event she plans to do annually and I cannot wait to see it grow. But this will not be the only event. She has big plans.

Some including:

Poker Run

Urban Scavenger Hunts

Trial Rides



So, if any of you have a interest in helping or donating or participating, let us know.

Ill post a link below.