I have thought about this for a while now.

Whether or not I want to add personal stuff to this blog or not. I mean not to personal of course, but things about me outside of my photography. Outside all the pretty pictures. A little more of the real life. I mean, I am pretty much all photos all the time. It's what I eat, sleep, and drink on constant basis. You can't grow if you're not thinking, right?

Anyways. I feel like now is the right time. To start sharing a little more of my passions. I will share with you my obsessions with health and fitness. My love for all things horses. And all my crazy adventures.

I think it will be fun. To allow more people to see what makes me tick. Other than My ADHD of course. I also would like to help others. By sharing my struggles and my wins. Sharing the things I do to stay in shape to chase dreams. Healthy enough to live this crazy ride I am on. I hope that I can inspire you all to live your best life and then you will let me capture it!

I know it's probably not the norm to have multiple things on a Photography blog, but, when do I do anything normal?

I hope that you all enjoy these little blogs as much as I like living them and writing them. I have learned life is way to short to not take the chances and go on all the adventures with friends and family.