When you see a Photographer in front of the camera,

then you know its for a reason! We hate getting in front of the camera. We thrive behind it. Just know that a Photographer feels your pain. We know how uncomfortable you feel. The awkwardness and the insecurities. I for one, hate it! I pick out every cotton picken flaw I can find. So, in light of the new me. The one that has set out to make you all as comfortable as possible, the one that has set out to motivate and inspire others to live the happiest life possible. The one that has set out to embarrass this Body. I have chosen to start getting in front of the camera more. To try all the poses that the natural beauties do. You know the sultry looks, the smizing eyes, and the serious looks. I have tried them all and guess what, they are totally not my look! My natural look is with my mouth wide open and my tongue out! And guess what, those are my favorite pictures! I have set out to find what makes my clients happy. I have set out to learn your personalities and listen to you. You are the ones in front of the camera after all.

So when you see us behind the camera, just know its to sacrifice ourselves for the greater good of our clients!