Is it worth it

Some days it is really hard to say.

It seems like I am moving one step forward and 1000 steps back. In todays world, everything is so revolved around social media. You post on Instagram cross post to Facebook hope right on over to try and follow the TikToc trends and every now again snapchat may have moment in the social spotlight. Yall, its freaking exhausting. And then you have to fight all the algorithms and pray that at least 100 people out of thousands see your blood sweat and tears. IT.IS.EXHAUSTING.

So I have decided once again to dial it back. No more socials on my phone. The endless worry about what and when to post. Always thinking that every moment is insta worthy. I cant do it anymore. But I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. I mean Im not Insta Famous or anything, but I would like my work to be seen. Im just so worried that old school is out. You know word of mouth. Thats really what drives us. Telling people about each other. Your experience. Showing them your photos, that hopefully you hang on your wall. I just really wanna go back to communicating. But in order to do that, I need your help. Honestly, it would help all us Photogs. Tag us in your photos. Yes I know you post them and we appreciate that so much, but tagging us is your word of mouth. Ya know since everyone is so social driven.

I almost quit

You read that right. Almost. So close to just laying the camera down. What would be the point though. What would that really solve. Farmers do not quit when it gets rough. No if anything, they tighten their hats and say hold my hay string. We work harder. We learn. We push. We persevere. Yes I am talking about photos. Photos are important you guys. And you will never know how important until it's too late. That is why I am so passionate about all the photos. It why I work so damn hard to bring you the best that I can.

I will not quit

I am just our to find a better way.

My way.

One that doesn't drain me.