First of all

I feel like I should put out some kind of disclaimer. I know who my main target audience in in my blogs and my photography, so this is not directed at any of yall. No this is for the few that their curiosity makes them click on the picture. Then it's like a culture shock to them. So here it is. There were no animals harmed in the pictures during the rodeo. Humans may be a little beat up, but in all honesty if they were out on the ranches, it could get a little ranchier. This may be a cruel sport to those that do not know any better. So it is our job as Ranchers and Cowboys, Photographers and writers to help bring awareness. This is not a sport. This is real life to many. A lot you do not see because A) these ranchers do not have time every second to post of their story what they are doing in that moment and B) if they were, people just give them to much lip. Sometimes it's better off to just keep on grinding and let people think what they need to think. However, I do feel like that is sad and a huge part of the problem. People just cannot understand what they do not see. They are not educated in this way of life. Honestly, neither am I. I could stand to be more knowledgeable to the ins and outs of The Cowboy Way. And with my Photography and my blogs, I hope one day to be. I hope that I can help bring awareness to our love of the animals. The sacrifices. The heartaches that come along with the job. The long days and nights. Living paycheck to paycheck between sales. These pictures only show the "NOW". What you could see on a ranch.

What I really want to do is this.

I would love to start a series of behind the scenes with a Cowboy. A rancher. A Farmer. A Horse Trainer. Whatever it is you may do, I would love to meet you. I would love to share your story the best way I know how. That is get to know you, photograph you and share your story through my platform. Let's show people there is more to us than just a big hat and big ol clanky spurs. Our hearts.

For the love of our God and Country

I know this post may seem out of the norm of what I normally share, but it's about time I step up and help. I do not own a ranch but I own horses and they have been nothing more than a lifesaver to me and my Daughter. It is something most people will never be apart of nor ever understand. Lets educate them. Let's bring this divided culture and make it whole!