All in the family

This is what most parents dream of. Raising littles that love what you love. That have the same passion as you do. They love the country way of life. And I am here to tell ya, it's the best way of life. These are the moments we live for. The memories we hope to make and cherish for life. Because we all know these littles will grow up and want to explore their own way of life. And yes most of the time, they will eventually come back to their roots, but it will take a hot minute. So we imprint. When they are young. We teach them and show them. And then we allow them the freedom to see if it sticks. being a parent is hard. And I am sorry no one ever really tells us these things. So I am here to tell you know. Raise them showing who you are but not forcefully. Take the photos. Have the family sessions. Pray. And hope that the imprint sticks. Because those are the days they will remember most.

Hand in Hand

Ladies, get you a man that isn't scared of a camera and loving you in front of it!