For the Memories of coarse.....

I mean if you really wanna get technical, there are plenty of other reasons. Like marketing/branding/commercial, action shots, learning, proof that it happened, (lol) and many others. They are so much more than just a snap for social media, even though, lets be honest, thats where they will be seen the most. But also, thats where they will be seen the least. Photos are meant to be printed and hung. They are meant to be used. Seen.

Could you Imagine

A world where there was no art. I mean think about it. Art is a feeling. A photo is a feeling. A feeling is a memory. Do you get the picture yet? Literally.

Tell me what you see

Tell me what you feel.


Next time you come across a photo on Social Media, jot down what you are thinking in that moment. The moment that you stopped scrolling, even if it's just a split second. Let your mind be open to the possibilities of what that subject is feeling, or was feeling in the moment of taking the photo. You will be amazed of what one tiny photo can actually do.