Horses in their Natural Habitat

I don't know about y'all, but there is just something about seeing your horses, well being horses. Being out in an open pasture to graze freely, stretch out, buck, rear, and fart while everyone is safely out of the way and off their backs! Its good for the mind and body of the horse. I know everyone has their own opinion, but I truly believe this is why my Horses stay so sound.

We go out to see them everyday. They are ridden at least 4-5 times a week. They are happy, (well mostly happy with the execption of the red headed Mare) to work when called upon. My guys seem to enjoy life. And I have to admit, Im loving it as well. Just being out and being free with them in the pasture. Watching the Love Language between the herd. Capturing the silly moments as well as the warnings. Its just something so special. You have to see it to feel it.