That's usually a great question.

I do so much all the time that people always ask, what's next? Always with some snarky tone. But I get it. It's hard to keep up. I do one thing and then I am on to the next. I commit and complete, most of the time and then I am bored and ready to move on. Blame it on the ADD. But in all seriousness, I love to train. Training is learning. Learning is moving forward. I don't alway necessarily love what I am training for, but I love the process. I have trained for multiple half marathons and one ultra hike. Each time, I learned something new about myself. I learned what I needed and did not need. Learned how to listen to my body and advice from others. Learned how to fuel. And most importantly, I learned what it felt like to finish. To follow through. All the way to the end. And let me tell you, it is an amazing feeling. I do not compete against anyone but myself. Because in the end, I am the only one that lives with the results. So as long as I am happy with how I performed, and felt, then I won. It's the same with my photography. Well it is now. I used to compete with other Photographers. Like race them. If I didn't win, it was on. I like totally beet myself up. Put myself and my work down. Then I would go into a "training" cycle. Like down a deep deep hole of all things photography. Don't get me wrong, I learned a lot, but it did nothing for me mentally nor creatively. That's where all my training and running and hiking challenges come in handy. They have taught me more about myself than only one thing could. So my crazy obsession with always needing the next thing, is not for nothing. It soothe my soul. It makes me a better person and a better Photographer. Cause let's face it, I am all over the place. If I didn't train, there is no way I would get the shots that I do for y'all or make it for 6+ hours of shooting.

Make a Wish

This is the last thing that I trained for. It was mental and physical. I had to raise $2500 and hike 27.2 miles all in one day. My rodeo family came through though. They helped me raise some funds. And my fitness community showed up as well. If you build it, they will certainly show up for you! Again, it's not always about the Photos or the fitness.

What you been waiting for...

Drum roll please..... JK! Who here has heard of the Ragnar Race? It is an Ultra relay race. 200+ miles over 36ish hours of running. We will be a team of 18. Each team of 2 running 4 legs. My total will be 19.2 miles over 4 legs. It is in October and we will be in Kentucky for this race. Am I excited, yes for the training part of it. LOL What I am excited for is the new adventure. A whole new group of crazy people.

In the next few months.

I will share what I have been doing to get ready. I will share my milage, good days and all the bad days, food and recovery. All while still showing up to rodeos. I really hope you enjoy these little blogs. And I really hope that I can encourage you to find something that challenges you as well.