I almost hate to say it......

But then again, I would be lying to you if I didn't.

What you see is what you get.

If you read my last blog on "How to find your voice", then you already know where I am going with this. It is just like finding your style. I do not shoot like everyone else know do I edit like everyone else. My style is very unique to me and who is in front of my camera. There may be some noise and there may be some blur. Things that a lot of professionals would never post. But to me, I need real. I need some imperfectness to balance out the perfectness that social media makes us see. I want to be a storyteller. Not just through my blogs but through my photos.

My hopes for my photos is that they will always be real and raw.

What you are looking at through my lens is this....

Well, let me ask you this first. If you were standing there with no camera in hand, what would you see? Would you see this moment? Or would see just a family sitting? Yes I directed them to sit there, but that is all. This is them being natural. They just thought I was fixing my camera. So, what I seen was this mother engaging with her son before I snapped this picture. Same with Dad. This picture is perfect. Maybe not from a professionals view, but seeing how this is my business and I am the professional, it is.

Don't be afraid to show people what you are looking at.

A different perspective is what we need. Who knows, they may just actually love the rawness of your work! The real imperfections that make it just absolutely perfect!!!!