For the longest time

I had no idea what direction I wanted my photo business to go. Like I just love love taking photos. Of everything. But that didn't mean I was good at it all. I have worked so hard on trying to find me. Learning from the "pros" watching their every move. Reading all the books, watching all the Youtube videos. Saying yes to everything. Let me just tell you, that worked for a little while. It is a great way to learn. What to do and what you wanna do.

I spent so long trying to go by the book of photography. That's where you end up messing up. That's where you start hating what you are doing. By following ALL the rules. Now, Im really not that much of a rule breaker, but, wink wink.

When I follow the rules of photography, it's boring. When I just let loose and shoot what I see, it's fun. Not everyone likes it though, I get it. But these shots that I try and get for you, I want them to be a memory. Not a screenshot.


We find the spot.

We take the shot.

We tell your story.


We find the spot.

We take the shot.

We tell your story.


THIS is what I wanna do. I wanna tell your story. I want to travel with you and share with the world what our work looks like. To show people the different side of Rodeo and the Western Lifestyle. The behind the scenes of it all.

THIS is what I was meant to do. I see it loud and clear now.

It may have taken me 15 years, but I am a better Photographer for it. Not to mention that I have had tons of support from my crew. They allow me to be creative and tell me what they don't like, in a very nice way. For the most part, they don't want any change. So as I have grown as a Photographer, my clients have grown as well. They didn't know that they like this "artsy" style and they have come to love it! And it has made my heart extremely happy.

Before you jump ship

Keep going. Keep trying. Keep learning. Keep doing your own thing. Our style is not meant for everyone and that is ok. It has taken me years to accept that. One day you all will see me on the Pro Circuit changing the way you see Photos. I'll be your new Matt Cohen. Just maybe not as outspoken as he. LOL